{ "title": "Layers and Dark Debris in Melas Chasma", "metadata": { "thumbnailURL": "bundle://header.jpg", "excerpt": "By looking at the slopes in the layers and how the layers intersect each other, scientists can rule out various origins." }, "version": "1.5", "identifier": "PSP_002419_1675", "language": "en", "layout": { "columns": 10, "width": 1024, "margin": 85, "gutter": 20 }, "documentStyle": { "backgroundColor": "#faf7f2" }, "components": [ { "role": "heading1", "layout": "heading1Layout", "text": "HiPOD: FRIDAY, 3 JANUARY 2020" }, { "role": "divider", "layout": "bigDividerLayout", "stroke": { "width": 3, "color": "#8c2028" } }, { "role": "title", "layout": "halfMarginBelowLayout", "text": "Layers and Dark Debris in Melas Chasma" }, { "role": "photo", "layout": "fullBleedLayout", "caption": "A grayscale cutout of the full observation. Less than 5 km across. (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)", "URL": "bundle://PSP_002419_1675-main-01-03.jpg" }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

These layers are sedimentary in origin, but there are many processes that could have deposited them, such as volcanic airfall from explosive eruptions, or dust-size particles settling out of the atmosphere due to cyclic changes, and deposition in standing bodies of water.

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By looking at the slopes in the layers and how the layers intersect each other, scientists can rule out various origins. A darker material can be seen covering much of the layered deposit. Some of this dark material is loose and can be seen accumulating as debris aprons at the base of steep slopes. Other dark material appears indurated and has been eroded by the wind to form etched edges with topographic expressions.

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ID: PSP_002419_1675
date: 31 January 2007
altitude: 263 km

NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

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