{ "title": "Depressions and Alcoves", "authors": "HiRISE", "metadata": { "thumbnailURL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-03-05/ESP_055461_2200.jpg", "excerpt": "This unnamed crater in Utopia Planitia has plenty of interesting formations to study: scalloped depressions, concentric crater fill, and alcoves." }, "version": "1.5", "identifier": "ESP_055461_2200", "language": "en", "layout": { "columns": 10, "width": 1024, "margin": 85, "gutter": 20 }, "documentStyle": { "backgroundColor": "#faf7f2" }, "components": [ { "role": "heading1", "layout": "heading1Layout", "text": "HiPOD: 5 MARCH 2020" }, { "role": "divider", "layout": "bigDividerLayout", "stroke": { "width": 3, "color": "#8c2028" } }, { "role": "title", "layout": "halfMarginBelowLayout", "text": "Depressions and Alcoves" }, { "role": "photo", "layout": "fullBleedLayout", "caption": "Less than 5 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)", "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-03-05/ESP_055461_2200.jpg" }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

This unnamed crater in Utopia Planitia has plenty of interesting formations to study: scalloped depressions, concentric crater fill, and alcoves that might be associated with gullies.

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These features were also spotted in a Context Camera (CTX) image, so another of our goals is to get a better look at any stratigraphic relationships, especially to find evidence if those gullies are related to the alcoves that are visible at CTX resolution. The crater just about fills the width of our HiRISE image, so it’s 5 kilometers across.

" }, { "role": "gallery", "layout": "noMarginLayout", "animation": { "type": "move_in", "preferredStartingPosition": "right" }, "items": [ { "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-03-05/ESP_055461_2200-2.jpg", "caption": "An enhanced color cutout. Less than 1 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)" }, { "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-03-05/ESP_055461_2200-3.jpg", "caption": "Less than 1 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)" }, { "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-03-05/ESP_055461_2200-4.jpg", "caption": "Less than 1 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)" }, { "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-03-05/ESP_055461_2200-map.jpg" } ] }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "text": "
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ID: ESP_055461_2200
date: 27 May 2018
altitude: 297 km


" }, { "role": "caption", "format": "html", "layout": "halfMarginBothLayout", "text": "Black and white images are less than 5 km across. Enhanced color images are less than 1 km across. For images with scalebars, see the above ID link to our website.
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