{ "title": "Opal Deposits near Valles Marineris", "authors": "HiRISE", "metadata": { "thumbnailURL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-07-08/ESP_022620_1690.jpg", "excerpt": "This HiRISE image gives some clues to how minerals like sulfates and hydrated silica are expressed on the surface of Mars." }, "version": "1.5", "identifier": "ESP_022620_1690", "language": "en", "layout": { "columns": 10, "width": 1024, "margin": 85, "gutter": 20 }, "documentStyle": { "backgroundColor": "#faf7f2" }, "components": [ { "role": "heading1", "layout": "heading1Layout", "text": "HiPOD: 8 July 2020" }, { "role": "divider", "layout": "bigDividerLayout", "stroke": { "width": 3, "color": "#8c2028" } }, { "role": "title", "layout": "halfMarginBelowLayout", "text": "Opal Deposits near Valles Marineris" }, { "role": "photo", "layout": "fullBleedLayout", "caption": "An enhanced color cutout showing these wonderful layers, dunes and deposits. Less than 1 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)", "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-07-08/ESP_022620_1690.jpg" }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

This HiRISE image gives some clues to how minerals like sulfates and hydrated silica are expressed on the surface. The banded bedrock is visible beneath a partial cover of much younger dunes. Bright, relatively white bands alternate with slightly redder layers. These bright bands could be concentrations of opal. The darker bands might correspond to concentrations of brown jarosite. The minerals may have segregated because of gradients in the temperature or acidity of the fluid.

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These Martian deposits are not likely to be made up of pure opal of gemstone quality. However, opals and cherts on Earth are well known to preserve fossils and other biological evidence. Even a small sample of one of the bright bands in this scene would be priceless.

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ID: ESP_022620_1690
date: 25 May 2011
altitude: 257 km


" }, { "role": "caption", "format": "html", "layout": "halfMarginBothLayout", "text": "Enhanced color image is less than 1 km; black and white is less than 5 km. For full images with scalebars, see the above ID link to our website.

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