{ "title": "What is This Stuff?", "authors": "HiRISE", "metadata": { "thumbnailURL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-08-27/ESP_024886_1765.jpg", "excerpt": "A puzzling ridged texture was first seen in an image from the Context Camera on MRO, leading to this suggestion for a HiRISE image." }, "version": "1.5", "identifier": "ESP_024886_1765", "language": "en", "layout": { "columns": 10, "width": 1024, "margin": 85, "gutter": 20 }, "documentStyle": { "backgroundColor": "#faf7f2" }, "components": [ { "role": "heading1", "layout": "heading1Layout", "text": "HiPOD: 27 August 2020" }, { "role": "divider", "layout": "bigDividerLayout", "stroke": { "width": 3, "color": "#8c2028" } }, { "role": "title", "layout": "halfMarginBelowLayout", "text": "What is This Stuff?" }, { "role": "photo", "layout": "fullBleedLayout", "caption": "The enhanced color cutout helps to correlate rock units, but is also puzzling. Less than 1 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)", "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-08-27/ESP_024886_1765.jpg" }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

This image covers plains near Aureum Chaos. A puzzling ridged texture was first seen in an image from the Context Camera on MRO, leading to this suggestion for a HiRISE image.

" }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

In this observation we can see much detail, but the origin of the surface texture is still unknown. The enhanced color cutout helps to correlate rock units, but is also puzzling.

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Here's a hypothetical geologic history that might explain this scene: layered sediments were deposited by water or air fall (including volcanic pyroclastics). A crudely polygonal patterned ground was created by stresses in the sediments, and groundwater followed the fractures and deposited minerals that cemented the sediments. This was followed by perhaps billions of years of erosion by the wind, leaving the cemented fractures as high-standing ridges.

Of course, this story is almost certainly incomplete if not totally wrong.

" }, { "role": "photo", "layout": "fullBleedLayout", "caption": "A fuller view of the scene. This is the lower section of the complete observation. Less than 5 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)", "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2020-08-27/ESP_024886_1765-2.jpg" }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

ID: ESP_024886_1765
date: 17 November 2011
altitude: 268 km


" }, { "role": "caption", "format": "html", "layout": "halfMarginBothLayout", "text": "Enhanced color image is less than 1 km across; black and white image is less than 5 km. For full images with scalebars, see the above ID link to our website.

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