{ "title": "A Technicolor Mound near Oxia Planum", "authors": "HiRISE", "metadata": { "thumbnailURL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2021-01-19/ESP_066622_2000.jpg", "excerpt": "The origin of this mound is unknown, but its formation may be related to the clay-bearing rocks in the nearby Oxia Planum region." }, "version": "1.5", "identifier": "ESP_066622_2000", "language": "en", "layout": { "columns": 10, "width": 1024, "margin": 85, "gutter": 20 }, "documentStyle": { "backgroundColor": "#faf7f2" }, "components": [ { "role": "heading1", "layout": "heading1Layout", "text": "HiPOD: 19 January 2021" }, { "role": "divider", "layout": "bigDividerLayout", "stroke": { "width": 3, "color": "#8c2028" } }, { "role": "title", "layout": "halfMarginBelowLayout", "text": "A Technicolor Mound near Oxia Planum" }, { "role": "photo", "layout": "fullBleedLayout", "caption": "The rock has a range of textures, from massive and fractured on the left, to subtle banding or layering on the right. Less than 1 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)", "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2021-01-19/ESP_066622_2000.jpg" }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

An isolated, elongated mound (about 1 mile wide and 3.75 miles long) rises above the smooth, surrounding plains. Horizontal layers are exposed at the northern end of the mound, and its surface is characterized by a very unusual quasi-circular pattern with varying colors that likely reflect diverse mineral compositions.

A closer view shows that the rock has a range of textures, from massive and fractured to subtle banding or layering. The origin of this mound is unknown, but its formation may be related to the clay-bearing rocks in the nearby Oxia Planum region.

" }, { "role": "gallery", "layout": "noMarginLayout", "animation": { "type": "move_in", "preferredStartingPosition": "right" }, "items": [ { "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2021-01-19/ESP_066622_2000-2.jpg", "caption": "An unusual quasi-circular pattern with varying colors that likely reflect diverse mineral compositions. Less than 1 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)" }, { "URL": "https://static.uahirise.org/anews/2021-01-19/ESP_066622_2000-3.jpg", "caption": "A fuller view of the mound. Less than 5 km across. (NASA/JPL/UArizona)" } ] }, { "role": "body", "format": "html", "layout": "hipodMarginLayout", "text": "

ID: ESP_066622_2000
date: 12 October 2020
altitude: 2583 km (176 mi)


" }, { "role": "caption", "format": "html", "layout": "halfMarginBothLayout", "text": "Enhanced color images are less than 1 km across; black and white is less than 5 km. For full images with scalebars, see the above ID link to our website.

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